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Thrown-away children

Doug Brendel

Updated: Sep 6, 2019


The children are beautiful at Rudensk.

130 orphans with mental disabilities.

Each one either abandoned or abused by their parents.

They live at the Rudensk boarding school year-round.

You can meet them in my photo report, here.

I think these children will make you smile like they made me smile.

And I hope you can help them.

Crazy as it may sound, they need chairs.

They have a big auditorium where they put on concerts, plays, and other events, just like the kids in any school.

But the chairs are literally falling apart.

(If you take a look at my photo report, you’ll see how the staff have done their best to keep them cobbled together and looking nice.)

Here’s why this is so important:

When you put a mentally disabled child onstage, to sing or recite or dance or play a part, they grow.

It’s an experience that speaks to them. It says,

“You’re not ’slow.’ You’re not inferior. You’re good. You’re great.”

This is a message these kids really need to hear.

I want them to be able to look out at their audience, seated in sturdy new chairs, and see your love.

A beautiful brand-new auditorium chair costs $65.

Or give a smaller gift, and I’ll combine your gift with someone else’s to provide 1 chair.

I’m hoping our New Thing family can provide 30 chairs, a total of $1,950.

So anything you can give today will be a real help.

Thanks for journeying with us!

More photos to come.

Much love,

Doug Brendel

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