Homeless and
The Poor
Our "Response of the Heart" team helps the homeless of Minsk, the capital city of Belarus. At a state-run overnight shelter, we provide food and more, along with connections to medical, dental, and legal aid.
For those often called “the least of these," we offer love in an array of practical forms.
Besides offering prepackaged food, we connect with those who want and need more help — everything from haircuts to healthcare, lodging to legal work.
For those who can’t access government services for lack of proper documentation, we help to re-establish official ID. It can be a long, complicated process, but our “Response of the Heart” team digs in and sticks with it.
And over the long haul, the flame of hope flickers to life. New stories are being written, every day.
If there’s one component of New Thing’s work that needs the help of caring people in the West, this is it. Please consider standing with us in support of this critically important effort.
You can make a beautiful personal difference for people in need in Belarus. Make a tax-deductible contribution of any amount and your gift will be acknowledged promptly, and you’ll be receipted for your records.